Sunday, 26 May 2013

The Daily Drift

Jellyfish are built for drift, they move with the currents and the tides in beautiful clusters of life constantly in gentle motion.
Drifting is great for Jellyfish, but what about people?

Is there anything really wrong with 'going with the flow', or seeing where life takes you?

If drifting for you means remaining open to opportunity, not creating attachments to soul sapping endeavours and allowing exploration to the edges of your journey, then drift.

If your drifting is aimless however, the anxious and unsatisfied squirming in your gut should be answer enough.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Om, and other important life decisions

'Beware: Currently experiencing meditation desperation'

I am desperate to start meditating, (yes I see a certain irony in that comment).
The idea of spending some time alone, in peace, unsnarling the knots in my mind is beyond appealing, it seems, well, necessary.

I have downloaded some meditations to try and am ready to get on with it. Only small problem is finding this elusive and mystical 'alone time'. The times I have available to me are after 10pm and before 5am, both time frames rife with the risk of snoozing rather than meditating.

What to do? Any ideas? Is it necessary to meditate everyday to benefit? Am I being a sook about the times available?

I'm off to do some meditation investigation, I will keep you posted.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Where do you find the time (AND the energy)?

'If I have the time, I can't be bothered'

It may come as a surprise for anyone who has read  multiple posts from this blog to learn that I have just taken the plunge and returned to work.
Better with Beats:)
Although beside the point, it also is the source of my recent time and motivation problems.
Basically the problem is this.... If I have the time to do the mundane tasks in my day, I can't be Bothered.
If I am honest, I am starting the restent the tedium of the cleaning and washing and folding and making and cooking and doing that falls (quite fairly) to me.
I am sure that this feeling is common amongst many working (or not) women and men, despite this I hope that there is a different choice to make around this.
In the meantime, I am strapping on my headphones, loading up some music with a beat and getting into it.


Much, much later..... remind me, less whining and more doing stuff with headphones on in future. As usual, it is the thinking, and not the action that is the real problem. Cleaning is done and dare I say it, I actually had some fun (cringe) dance cleaning.
I think I might actually be a genius, for confirmation see The Best Week of My Life, where I make public my 'dance cleaning' ideas:)